Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Shooting Challenge: Perfect Symmetry

They say symmetry is beauty, which makes a lot of sense. It's the balance of equal proportions. It's a sort of geometric perfection. And for this week's Shooting Challenge, you're going to capture it.

The Challenge

Photograph symmetry. Real, not photoshopped.

The Technique

It's going to be a bit of a hunt. You need to find something symmetrical in the world (because, please, don't just photograph your laptop). You'll notice that nature is rarely symmetrical, but buildings often are.

Use a tripod. If your tripod has a level, even better. Keep in mind that the wider you go with your scope, the more incredible the effect will be. And while two squares, side by side, are obviously symmetrical, you'll probably get more visual bang for your buck by considering curves and diagonals, like our lead shot.

The Example

Our lead image is by flickr's jakubkadlec (outside the Louvre, I believe). Notice how intricate the lines are, which exacerbates the visual balance.

The Rules

0. No watermarks. They're so ugly.
1. Submissions need to be your own.
2. Photos must be taken since this contest was announced.
3. Explain, briefly, the equipment, settings, technique and story behind shot.
4. Email submissions to, not me.
5. Include 970px wide image (200KB or less) AND a native resolution sized shot in email.
6. One submission per person.
7. Use the proper SUBJECT line in your email (more info on that below)
8. You agree to the Standard Contest Rules - though we DO accept non-US resident submissions.
9. If the image contains any material or elements that are not owned by you and/or which are subject to the rights of third parties, and/or if any persons appear in the image, you are responsible for obtaining, prior to submission of the photograph, any and all releases and consents necessary to permit the exhibition and use of the image in the manner set forth in these rules without additional compensation. If any person appearing in any image is under the age of majority in their state/province/territory of residence the signature of a parent or legal guardian is required on each release.

Send your best photo by Monday, May 6th at 10AM Eastern to with "Symmetry" in the subject line. Save your files as JPGs, and use a FirstnameLastnameSymmetry.jpg (970px wide) and FirstnameLastnameSymmetryWallpaper.jpg (2560px wide) naming conventions. Include your shooting summary (camera, lens, ISO, etc) in the body of the email along with a story of the shot in a few sentences. And don't skip this story part because it's often the most enjoyable part for us all beyond the shot itself!


sheriff joe arpaio limbaugh aaron smith wilt chamberlain joe arpaio cat in the hat green eggs and ham

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