Sunday, May 12, 2013

On Writing, Publishing, and Book Marketing: Writer Stuck

You ever put in a role or position that you are not equipped. One summer at basketball camp I was put into the position of a forward instead of a two guard. That was interesting. I have had jobs that I had no business having. My worst was when I was a receptionist at a Dr.'s office when I was in highschool. I was leaving people on hold for 45 minutes and triple booking appointments. I was awful.

What this has to do with writing is I want to write. I do not want to be spending my time dealing with marketing and publishing. I, however, as an Indie Author am forced into this role. I am drowning in all the information and blogs out there. I find myself reading book after book, article after blog, and chatting with authors. This is all time taking away from writing.

Then I came across this article by Joanna Penn on her blog the Creative Penn. Go to the article
On Marketing Your Book. Joanna is an author, internet entrepreneur and international speaker who lives in England. She?is author of?the Arkane thriller series, and has published the?books Pentecost, Prophecy, and Exodus. This article is overflowing with links to classes, websites, tutorials, and information.
Joanna Penn covers the following topics in this ONE article:

  • Marketing Basics
  • Writer's Platform
  • Launching your book on-line
  • Blogging
  • Social Networking
  • Podcasting
  • Video
  • Speaking
  • Other Marketing Strategies
I know all in ONE article. She also has easily 50 links in this article that lead to 50 other links. This article could keep you busy all day. She covers anything from why your book isn't selling to how to make it sell to do's and don't.


john kerry eastbay Samantha Steele Dec 21 2012 doomsday Is The World Going To End Mayans

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