Monday, June 18, 2012

Indestructible Missions


They destroyed our homes, and killed our friends and family. We survived through no fault of our own. And now they expect us to work for them, claiming they made us who we are. Manufactured superheroes.


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Because I'm such a nice person, I decided to put up all the missions here. Only the main ones though!

We are sorry we have not had time to train you, but we have a mission for you. Every single person in Detruit has disappeared. We wish for you to go in and investigate.

Miss Lowe and Miss Fairson will parachute to the top of this building and check it out. It is the town's security center. It is very hard to access from the ground, but relatively easy to access from the roof.

Mr Baxter, Mr Zephir, and Mr Stein will check the mayor's house. It is usually well guarded, but we can assure you that it will not be on that day.

You will each have a communications headset consisting of an earpiece and a microphone. This will allow us to track you. You will also have a weapon of choice.

If you perform well on this mission and co-operate, you will get heavily rewarded.

If you do not co-operate, everyone will be punished.

You leave in an hour. You will wear the clothes we give you, and will use only your powers and the weapons we supply you with. Understood?"

"It was just one of those, And they died. The End! stories that make us demigods feel warm and fuzzy."Percy Jackson

"You've got a date with destiny. Don't be late."

"Is that a movie quote? Or is it an actual date? I don't remember destiny asking me. I never even gave destiny my phone number.? - Maximum Ride

?Man, you weigh a freaking ton," he told me. "What've you been eating, rocks?"
"Why, is your head missing some?"

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