Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Children suffering from asthma: healthy tips - Muscle Works Magazine

Asthma is an allergic condition that affects nearly 50 million Americans. Though asthma is an untreatable condition, its symptoms can be managed with the right kind of disease management techniques.

Children are most susceptible to asthma because their young and vulnerable lungs are extremely susceptible to allergies and abrasive pollutants.

Many of the everyday things around out house, like pollen, dust mites and pet dander can trigger an asthma attack.

Here is how you can take control of childhood asthma:

The best way to avoid the symptoms of asthma is by avoiding the triggers. Since it can be often difficult to find out the exact things that trigger an asthma attack, it is better to avoid all triggers which are associated with asthma.

Keep your house clean and avoid taking your child where there is a lot of smoke and pollution.

Working together with your child?s doctor is very important when it comes to managing asthma. To manage asthma well, discuss your child?s treatment plan with your doctor extensively. In order to make sure that your child remains well, ask the doctor to give you an action plan in case an attack is triggered. Keep a track of all the medications that your child has to take and always make sure that your child carries an inhaler on their person.

Make sure that the school you are sending your child to is asthma friendly. Discuss your child?s condition with their teacher and explain to them the action plan to be followed if your child has an attack.

Cigarette smoke can be very dangerous for your child who has asthma. If you or someone in your house smokes, either quit smoking or never smoke around the child. Passive smoke can be one of the triggers of asthma, therefore, remove your child from a place where there is a lot of smoke present.

Make sure that your child?s toys and other playthings are hypoallergenic. Even the clothes that you buy for your child should be hypoallergenic so that your child does not get allergic to their stuffed animals or clothes.

If even after all the precautions you have taken, your child experiences an asthma attack, be ready with your action plan and administer the medications as directed by the doctor. It is also important for you to know when to get emergency care for your child. It is always better to be prepared to wheel your child to the ER.

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