Thursday, March 14, 2013


Character Creation Guidelines

When your making your character you should keep in mind a few things.

First is the passage of time in this role play. Since the role-play will span many years your character should start out as a younger person. Im not saying make him/her 12 but somewhere between 16 and 26 should be good.

Second, you don't have to be special to be special. By that i mean not everyone is going to have a demon sealed inside them, or a bloodline skill. Don't be tempted to make a character that possesses something like this just for the power they posses, Shinobi without are just as good.

Third, have flaws. There is nothing worse than the character that trains hard without a care in the world, and wants nothing in life but to help others. Give your character depth. Maybe he excells at one form of Jutsu but can barley use the other. Maybe he has a mental or physical limitation. It could be anything, just don't make them perfect.

Fourth, there are countless number of Shinobi villages in Naruto, but in order to keep the role players together the the number of villages active depend on the number of players. There must be atleast five people in a village before another opens up.

The Role of Clans:
Clans play an important role in the Naruto universe and an even bigger role in this one. The Great Shinobi War was purely Clan on Clan warfare because the great Shinobi nations had yet to come to be. Now there are clans that once were mortal enemies living under one banner, while some have excepted this gleefully while others resent it.

The rpers will be the first generation of adults living under the new Shinobi nations. They would have grown up with the war raging on and now they are all faced with a great moral choice. Do they support the the new nations or do they fan the flames of war in their past.

With Jutsu I believe that the passage of time effect on this roleplay will really shine. According to your Shinobi level you will start with certain Jutsu that everyone knows and you will have your own signatures of course, but it takes time to develop and hone these skills. In one section you may be just now learning to control a Jutsu or ability and in the next you could be close to mastering it. It is also important to note that you shouldn't give yourself Jutsu beyond your ability.

If you have a special Jutsu like Chidori that you developed yourself you must outline it and give the history of how you thought of it and trained using it. You must also list its strength as well as its drawbacks.

You are not able to make a Kage. The Kage at the beginning of the rp are the great Shinobi that founded the Shinobi nations and they are not playable characters. Instead as the rp progresses and time goes by your character may become a Kage.

Curse Seals:
The curse seal is a very powerful weapon the rivals the power of the tailed demons and as such isn't to be given lightly. At the start of the rp no one possesses a curse mark, but it is possible to gain one later.

The Tailed Demons:
Ok now heres the part most of you are wondering about, the demons. There are ten different demons and they are all extremely powerful. I obviously cant let ten people start with demons sealed inside them because it would kill the rp completely. So Im only allowing one at the start of the rp. That doesn't mean that you cant aquire one later.

Your Character Sheet:
You will make your character sheet listing your information then after each section has passed you will update your age, history, and skills, along with any other important information. Your CS should be as follows.

Current Age:







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