Monday, January 14, 2013

Nail the "Why Should I Hire You?" Question in Interviews by Listing Your Potential Contributions

Nail the "Why Should I Hire You?" Question in Interviews by Listing Your Potential ContributionsThe "Why should I hire you?" question in job interviews is one of the hardest to nail because it's typically your last chance to showcase what makes you a good candidate. If you want to get it right, Forbes recommends you list off everything you'd do to contribute to the company.

Instead of listing your past accomplishments that might suggest you're a good fit at a company, Forbes suggests that you focus on what you'd do at the company that would make it a better place:

[T]ell them how you are going to contribute to that department and that company," [Andy] Teach says. "Let the interviewer know that one of your goals is to make their job easier by taking on as much responsibility as possible and that you will be excited about this job starting on day one."

If you're not sure exactly what types of contributions to include, Forbes also suggests you take a look at the job description, pick a few important details, and concentrate on how you'd make improvements.

How to Ace the 50 Most Common Interview Questions | Forbes

Photo by Samuel Mann.


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