Friday, August 31, 2012

clark.villalva wrote a new post, Hours at Gym, on the site SPORTS NERD

STOP spending your entire day at the gym, pull out the note pad, and make a plan!


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Wheat scientists seek to slow crop fungus in Africa, Asia

OSLO (Reuters) - Wheat experts are stepping up monitoring of a crop disease first found in Africa in 1999 to minimise the spread of a deadly fungus that is also a threat in Asia, experts said on Friday.

A "Rust-Tracker", using data supplied by farmers and scientists, could now monitor the fungus in 27 developing nations across 42 million hectares (103 million acres) of wheat - an area the size of Iraq or California.

"It's the most serious wheat disease," Ronnie Coffman, vice-chair of the Borlaug Global Rust Initiative (BGRI), told Reuters ahead of a meeting of wheat experts in Beijing from September 1-4.

"If it gets's like a biological firestorm," he said. Experts will review progress in combating the disease, with fungicides and 20 new resistant varieties developed in recent years.

The stem rust disease, forming reddish patches on plants like rust on metal, is known as Ug99 after it was found in Uganda in 1999. It has since spread as far as South Africa and north to Yemen and Iran.

The fungus, which can destroy entire wheat fields, is likely eventually to be carried worldwide on the winds. The biggest threat in coming years is a spread across Asia to Pakistan, India and China, the world's top producer, Coffman said.

"Effective control often depends on finding out what is happening in distant regions, and the Rust-Tracker can help scientists assess the status of stem rust and other rust diseases," said Dave Hodson, the developer of Rust-Tracker.

About 85 percent of wheat now in production worldwide was reckoned to be vulnerable to Ug99 and its variants, the BGRI estimated. Rich nations are far less vulnerable because they can afford to switch to new varieties or deploy fungicides.


Among developing nations, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Egypt, India, Kenya, Nepal and Pakistan are on the front line of deploying rust-resistant varieties.

Coffman said that relatively minor amounts of wheat output had been lost so far. "The only country under immediate threat of a dramatic loss of production is Ethiopia," he said.

In Kenya, for instance, Ug99 had been brought largely under control because of shifts to new varieties. Another threat was from yellow rust, which has struck nations from Morocco to Uzbekistan in recent years.

The Ug99 fungus is among threats to food supplies. A U.N. panel of scientists says that heat waves, floods and droughts -- like the one affecting the United States this year -- are likely to become more frequent because of manmade climate change.

Scientists were also studying ways to limit a woody plant known as barberry, where the fungus also lives. Efforts to eradicate the plant in the 20th century seem to have reduced rust.

And the rust had overcome a genetic resistance to the disease developed for wheat in the early 1970s by Norman Borlaug, the father of the "Green Revolution" that introduced higher-yielding crop varieties, Coffman said.

He said that rust had been known at least since Roman times. About 40 percent of the U.S. crop was destroyed in the early 1950s when rust swept up from Mexico.


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29 Companies Tell You How To Rock Social Media | Sphinx Web ...

Social media can send businesses in a lot of different directions. Some use it as a marketing channel, others use it to spread content, while others start without a plan and end up abandoning social media altogether.

Before businesses dive into social media, they should have a plan. What do they hope to get out of it? What are they going to use it for? How often? Are there any goals to set?

Here, 29 companies tell us how they approach social media and what they recommend for others. These companies don?t fit into any one industry. Many are in the tech field, but we also have a range of businesses from grocery stores to car rental companies. Each offers its own unique perspective.

Read below and see what you can learn.


?We are a very open company and try to ensure that our social media persona matches who we actually are and how we run the company. Thus, we share information about the inner workings of the company, the people, how we build the service, and other interesting tidbits?along with the way we think and approach our decisions.

While being as open as we are may not work for every company, being authentic to the way the company operates should. If a company is very formal, having a wacky persona will feel forced and users feel that. And vice-versa.

Let the culture of the company dictate the voice and approach of the company in social media.?


?Our approach to social media at Backupify is essentially three-fold. We use our social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and sometimes Google+) to spread helpful information, be there for customer support and to put a genuine face and voice to the company. I?ll break down each of these strategies.

Spreading thought leadership:

To be effective with social media marketing, you can?t be self-serving. These are not channels to promote everything about your company and its products. This is a place to teach people about your industry, topics they care about within that industry, and also share articles from thought leaders in the space. So each day we scan for interesting, helpful articles based on keyword searches on the web and from relevant blog posts from others. We occasionally throw in our own blog posts but first and foremost focus on helping people learn from posts we share rather than being self-serving by promoting information about Backupify.

Customer support:

Be where your customers are.? We know customers reach out to us in several channels ? by phone, email, Twitter, etc. Our social media presence on several channels gives customers several outlets to reach us based on the channel they are most comfortable using. We see many customers coming to us, primarily on Twitter, asking support questions, because that is the channel they are most comfortable using to reach us. If it?s a small question or issue we try to solve it right there on Twitter, or we bring it offline via email if the question can?t be answered in 1-2 140 character or less tweets. This approach works extremely well for us.

Putting a genuine face and voice to the company:

There is nothing anyone hates more than automated responses from a company or the feeling that they are talking to a robot. We bring to life our brand by being friendly, helpful and genuine on our social media channels. We take time to engage in conversations, help solve people?s problems and share with them relevant information. By being there and giving off the sense that there really is a real person behind our brand and social media accounts, we become a more approachable and reliable company that people want to interact with and do business with.?

Kristin Dziadul

Marketing Analyst at Backupify


?Our approach to social media is to engage and listen to our users. We want everyone in the company, from support to HR to our product team, to benefit from the communication that is occurring online about Braintree. It?s important to take the time to analyze and understand how the audience interacts with each platform and use that knowledge to tailor your message accordingly. For instance, as a B2B company, our target audience doesn?t often look to Facebook to make business decisions, so instead, we post content that reflects our internal culture and utilize it as a great recruitment tool.?


?That?s a great question. The way we approach Social Media comes in 3 key aspects, I believe:

- Use Social Media for amazing customer support. One of the key focus points we have at Buffer is to give absolutely outstanding customer support, delivering happiness to our users day in, day out. Twitter and Facebook are great for doing this, most importantly because you can achieve an extremely short response time. If you can reply to Tweets within 10 minutes, the responses from users are amazing. We were able to measure that the shorter the response time, the higher the number of friendly Tweets posted about us, that is awesome.

- Secondly, we use Social Media as the key driver of our content efforts. Social Media is the best friend of content marketing I believe. So, whenever we have a new article written up, we distribute it. What we found to work best here is to use a ratio of 1:6. Post 6 great articles from other sites and then 1 from your site. That way you can really become a top content curator in your followers and friends stream and not just be self-promotional. Every morning I fill up my Buffer with around 10 Tweets and a few Facebook updates and that gives us a great day?s worth of content for our followers and friends.

- Lastly, Social Media is absolutely terrific for building your personal brand. We encourage everyone at Buffer to be very vocal on their own Twitter and Facebook feeds, sharing their stories and lessons they have learned on a day to day basis. It is a great way of helping everyone turn into an expert, not just internally in the company, but also externally.

I would definitely encourage everyone to use Social Media, of course, I?m not sure which way is best for each company. I would guess that the first way ? giving outstanding customer support, is something that will be most useful for nearly any company out there. With the second and third point it is more a personal choice of how you have setup your internal values.?

Leo Widrich

Co-Founder of Buffer


?CarWoo! approaches social media both as a customer engagement tool and as a broadcast tool. As a customer engagement tool, we use social media as a support channel and as a relationship builder. As a broadcast tool, we use social media to make company announcements, distribute job postings, and to push unique content to our 200,000 followers.

Whether others approach it the same way depends on their own needs. Anybody looking to expand their social footprint will first need to think hard about their goals and the measurements of success. Of course, there?s also a budget consideration: Should you hire a full-time social media person? An entire social media team? Should you also use Twitter and Facebook?s paid products? What third party tools should you consider? It?s very easy for a company?s social media efforts to become a black hole of expenses, so establishing ROI expectations is very important to do at every step of the way.?


?The social media strategy at DODOcase has always been about transparency and human connections. It has always been a two way street with our community so we?ve listened as much as we?ve spoken. Having this kind of open dialogue allows companies to quickly identify opportunities and react to customer needs. We can?t imagine any new company approaching social media in any other way. Customers will continue to expect more and more of a dialogue with brands. While we?ll readily admit that it can be challenging at times, if you can orient your company around this model, we are confident the return is there.?

Craig Dalton

Co-Founder, President of DODOcase


?The most important thing to remember with any approach to social media is to be authentic.

Social media provides an online outlet with unmatched transparency. This transparency is great because it allows you to build rapport & establish trust in order to connect with users at a deeper level than traditional online methods. But, if you attempt to manipulate that trust by trying to game the social media landscape purely to further your own agendas, the repercussions can cut equally as deep.

Be authentic and continue to build your outreach strategy from that simple foundation.?


?We approach social media as a tool to engage our users in conversations that are related to what we do, music.

Instead of trying to push our product via social media, we make a strong effort to create content which our users will find interesting. As a result, our brand gains more visibility, and we develop a stronger connection with our users.

Social media is a long term investment. If done correctly, it can be a very effective tool in building a brand.?

Yotam Rosenbaum

EVP of Music and Artist Relations at Earbits


?From the very beginning, eBay has been a social company, encouraging discussion, dialogue and feedback through our platform. And, we continue to embrace social ? both media and commerce ? as natural extensions of our DNA. Whether through our social customer service approach, our social media sellers program or inspiring social shopping through applications and experiments on eBay and other social sites, we have a tailored approach to the social space. We base our approach on how and where to best reach our communities of customers, investors, technology partners and more. We recommend that others think about their short-term and long-term goals for social media engagement and approach each social channel individually and in a way that complements their existing channels.?


?Expensify?s approach to social media is to simply make the best product and let users rave about it. Word of mouth isn?t created, it?s earned.?


?Grooveshark?s approach to social media centers around our relationship with users and artists. Primarily we focus on proactively and reactively connecting with them to acknowledge and address their issues with compassionate support. We use social analytics tools and services, such as, to manage our interactions, enabling us to converse with hundreds of users in a personal context and give attention to every single interaction ? nothing is scripted and every response is unique. Learning from these interactions, from the kindest of compliments and the harshest of criticisms to bug reports, feature requests, and account management assistance, allows for growth and improvement that is in line with our users? interests. Seeking out opportunities for engagement and effectively managing our relationships and interactions on social media results in Grooveshark?s Community Team being able to better advocate for users internally whenever decisions might affect the user experience. We pride ourselves on fostering a relationship and rapport with the individual, while simultaneously developing a sense of community around the love of music.

The biggest mistake companies make is misunderstanding why people use social media in the first place. Sure, it?s a great tool for marketing and PR, but that?s not its core purpose. And it?s certainly not a soapbox from which to shout about how awesome you are or why people should use your service ? that?s just adding to the noise. If someone next to you at a restaurant were to lean over and say they love your company and you responded with marketing spiels, sales pitches, and partnership promotions, best case is they nod, smile, and pray it?s over soon; worst case, you dismantle their positive perception of your brand by painting it as apathetic and money-driven. Treat your current and potential customers as real people, not as figures in a sales presentation. Don?t tell them you?re awesome by yelling it at them, prove it by genuinely being engaging and receptive to everything they say, caring about the problems they?re experiencing, and becoming a resource of information they value. Communities thrive through mutual respect and understanding, not canned responses and bits of promotional copy.?


?Hertz?s approach to social media is utilizing it as a unique platform of
communication with our customers. Whether it?s addressing customer service
issues or supplying fans with Hertz news, engaging content or promotional
materials, Hertz shows its appreciation to our loyal customers, fans and
followers via social media.?

Lemore Hecht

Manager, Communications & Social Media at Hertz

Honest Tea

?We seek to approach social media with a very personal, consumer-driven mindset. We see social media as an opportunity to bridge a gap that seems to be present today between large enterprises and the consumer ? it then becomes a tool of our transparency and authenticity, as we engaged, educate and respond to consumer inquiries. We continually ask our fans for their opinions on new product varieties, what they appreciate about our brand, and take that information back to the drawing table as we innovate new products?there?s no better tool than daily access to 125,000 of your most dedicated fans!?

Jordan Mitchell

PR & Social Media Manager at Honest Tea


?Your fans and followers are offering up their time to listen to what you have to say?give them something valuable in return. Create awesome content worth sharing. Be helpful. Be consistent. Set high, but achievable goals and measure your results. Then, learn from it. Don?t be afraid to take risks, but also don?t jump blindly into a decision without data to back up it up. Measurement will prove exactly what content does well for your company, and analysis will prove why it does well. Social media doesn?t have to be this big, blurry cluster of confusion; use data as your new pair of eyes.?

Brittany Leaning

Inbound Marketer at Hubspot

Lifeway Foods

?Our approach varies from source to source. For example, Twitter gives us the opportunity to share with greater frequency without annoying our community. Twitter users are accustomed to a continuous stream of content. Facebook is a different animal. We?ve found that engagement is highest when we keep it to about one post per day. That?s what we try and shoot for, but sometimes there?s just too much exciting Lifeway news to contain in a single 24 hour period.

We use Pinterest, Instagram, Foursquare and many other social media sites when applicable. We blog on our main site and we work with other bloggers for giveaways, recipes, interviews and more. Basically, we try to keep our social media presences fresh and exciting. We?re always looking to provide helpful social CRM, as well as get information back from our customers. What are their favorite stores? What new flavor and product ideas do they have? What events would they like to see us sponsor? We get as much as we give, and we give a lot. Because we love our customers so much.

People who follow us on all of the different social media channels will always be the first to know about our latest offerings and are likely to be rewarded with money-saving coupons and chances to win free products, tickets to concerts and awesome Lifeway promo gear.?


?One of the main benefits of social media is that it allows companies to interact with people on a personal level. Since companies aren?t people, the best way for them to interact with people in a consistent, strategic and authentic way is to identify their own ?personalities.? Ideally a company?s personality will be as individual as a person?s and be congruent with the the strengths and goals of the company.

For instance, Lumosity is a brain training website designed by neuroscientists to improve core cognitive abilities. As a company we?re experts and thought leaders in brain training and neuroscience, and that?s part of our social media personality as well. We use our expertise to make neuroscience relevant, accessible and interesting to everyone. Because one of our goals as a company is to help people reach their full potential, our personality is optimistic and encouraging. Our company personality informs every part of our social media strategy, from the kind of content we create and share to the contests we run and even the social media channels we participate in.?

Hallie Fryd

Social Media Manager at Lumosity


?At NatureBox, we?re about more than just the healthy snacks that we send out once a month. We believe in helping people discover how nutritious, wholesome snacks are not only a better alternative to artificial, processed foods but are also delicious, affordable, and accessible. We spend a lot of time listening to our members and the greater community of healthy snackers across various social media channels to learn what it is that they?re interested in and what they?re talking about. While our members? lifestyles are spread across a wide spectrum of health and wellness, we want to be able to provide them with delicious food and helpful information and ideas to fuel their own individual wellness journeys.

We approach social media not just as a way to bring attention and traffic to our own site and products but also as a way to contribute to the greater healthy living discussion ? our goal is that when people hear ?NatureBox?, they associate our name and our brand with a credible and genuine approach to living a healthier life that they can apply to their own lives. Using social media as a channel to solely promote and sell your products can be a real turn-off for potential customers and will also cause your current customers to tune you out if they see your message as nothing more than an advertisement. Instead, we use social media to keep our members interested and engaged in our daily conversation. Whether it?s a recipe, a green cleaning tip, a newsworthy story about the food system, or a tutorial for how to pack a better school lunch, we strive to maintain a genuine and engaged community of people who love NatureBox snacks and the lifestyle that we stand for.?


?At Olark, social media is a huge part of providing great customer service and helping to cement the bond between our customers and the company. We respond to every Tweet about Olark with a thank you and/or a re-tweet and monitor our @olark twitter feed obsessively looking for people with questions or needing help. We often send our Olark T-shirts to people who post extraordinarily positive tweets ? which we then require a photo of said person in your new Olark duds to put on our Facebook page in our Happy Customer Gallery.

Our Facebook presence is a place to find Olark articles, links to our blog posts, photos of Olark fun team activities and the aforementioned Happy user in their swank T-shirts. It?s a critical part of connecting with and bonding with our friends and customers. And our customers DO become friends sometimes stopping by our office to give us cookies or bottles of Scotch or home made beer.

We certainly recommend that everyone adopt a hands-on, extremely personal approach to social media. It?s the best way possible (after having a great product to offer) to keep your customers coming back and telling their friends about you.?

Bill Thompson

Social Media Manager at Olark

Rackspace Hosting

?Our approach to Social Media is pretty simple ? our entire Social Media Plan is, ?Be Helpful?. We want to be recognized as one of the world?s leading service companies ? and that includes Social Media. We currently have 6 engineers manning Social Media 24/7. Why engineers? Because engineers know our products and they can effect change quickly. Each of us has come from within a business unit, so we each have unique skills.

I?m not sure this approach is right for every company, but if you are a service company ? if you really care about customer support, and if your tagline is Fanatical Support? then I can?t think of a better way to do SM.?


?As an internet startup that powers tools for social content sharing and discovery, social media is clearly a huge part of our community building and marketing plan. I would say that we do follow one of the biggest pieces of advice I could give, which would be that you should try to use each platform a little differently. It?s more work, but you get better results ? more engagement and click-throughs. Our blog is our central hub for all community building and social activities, so much of what we do is about driving traffic to the blog. And because we?ve invested a lot of time in good content with the right CTAs, we?re seeing more and more of that traffic come to our main site and driving downloads. Traffic from the blog to the main website is up more than 200% since January actually.

On Facebook we post links to articles, but we try to always upload a picture when we do because we?ve seen a much higher CTR. We?re also trying to do more sharing of pictures of the team. Judging by the engagement on those posts, the Facebook community really likes the ?behind the scenes? look at the team. Twitter is a support platform for us. We get a lot of questions and support inquiries. We try to drive those conversations offline as much as possible just because it?s difficult to troubleshoot a technical issue in 140 characters. We have our Twitter hooked to to keep track of our user conversations and make sure everyone receives a response. Twitter is also a traffic building tool for the blog, and we have determined that it?s worth the effort to schedule Tweets to our posts because we put UTM parameters on all of our links. So we can tell that Traffic is not only coming from Twitter in general, but specifically from the clicks on shares from the @Shareaholic account. We use YouTube to post screencasts and ?how tos? for our users. Those videos always make for great blog content as well. For fun, I?ve created a couple of Tumblrs just to make something fun, delightful and shareable for the community. Blogging Ryan Gosling is a play on the ?Hey Girl? meme and Blogging a Blog is our take on the What Should You Call Me gif trend. Pinterest, Google+ and LinkedIn are three platforms that we haven?t invested a ton of effort in quite yet, but that will certainly come when the time is right.?


?While we don?t have tips and tricks to share, I can pass along some points about Target?s general approach to social media that I hope will be helpful:

- An integrated approach; we have dedicated teams across the company involved in making the social experience relevant for guests.

- Social media is an extension of our business?allowing us to reach our guests where they?re at and communicate in real time.

- We strive to maintain Target?s vibrant spirit and voice, and our drive for innovation (this can be seen with new and evolving online/social endeavors such as A Bullseye View, our new, behind-the-scenes online magazine).?

Erin Madsen

Social Media PR at Target


?Thumbtack doesn?t specifically target social media as a marketing channel. Rather, we do our best to produce great content that is interesting to a lot of people. We?ve found that if we produce great content, we receive positive attention ? not just in social media, but also in news articles, blogs, and virality.

For example, we conducted a survey about how friendly San Francisco and Dallas are to small businesses. This survey got a huge amount of news media attention in those cities ? and it also got great pickup in social media.

We recommend producing great content that people find useful. If you do that, you will get noticed not only in social media but also in all other marketing channels!?

Sander Daniels

Director of Business Development at Thumbtack

Virgin America

?Our approach to social media is to first and foremost, listen to what our fans and flyers have to say. We jump in when we think we can help answer a question or address an issue, and do our best to build a lasting relationship with our guests. We try to keep our content relevant, interesting and fun, but at the same time, we?re also still looking for opportunities to showcase our product/service and spur trial. Social media is a great outlet for us to do that while opening up a two-way dialogue with our most loyal fan base.?

Waste Management

?Most people don?t see the need for digital communications in our industry. We do. It?s important to serve our customers and employees, who are very active online. At Waste Management, we?ve integrated social media into our daily operations across many verticals ? marketing, customer service, PR, etc. Not only do we focus on connecting directly with customers, employees and other stakeholders to understand their needs and feedback, but also we want to be a leader on the issues that impact our business and the communities we serve. These channels also help us to tell the story of waste and recycling in an engaging way that helps people understand the services we provide.

To other companies considering social media, I say be transparent and be proactive. People are talking about you online no matter what and will make decisions about your company based on what their peers say. You can?t say ?it?s only garbage.? To your customers it is THEIR garbage. Finding a strategic way to join the conversation with a human voice and interact directly with your stakeholders will give you ample opportunities to build a name for your brand and gain key insights that impact your business.?

Whole Foods

?We approach social media from a ?customer first? perspective. Our goal is to provide the information, resources, and service our customers want and need before we consider what brand stories we have to tell. As part of this approach we try to be expert curators with a focus on finding the best and most useful resources for our customers which includes but is not limited to our own content. Providing content that resonates with our customers is our guiding principal. Because the end game of social media for brands is ultimately deep engagement with customers we believe all companies should start first by asking themselves what matters most to their customers and how they can provide that through the different social channels.?

Natanya Anderson

Senior Social Media Manager at Whole Foods


?Wildfire?s approach to social media is that we want to build an active and engaged community of fans across every social platform. We want to unite a community of users under the common theme of an interest in social media, in marketing, and in building up a social business. We have profiles on every network, and maintain conversations with the users that engage with us at each social property in real or near-real time. While our fan and follower communities share many common interests, the tone and attitudes of the users across each platform can vary slightly, and we address these differences in the content that we post and the interactions that we have. Above all, we maintain a very open position? our fans and followers are encouraged to reach out, to ask for help, to leave us a message, drop us a note, at any time. We do our best to respond to every single post, even if its just to thank a fan for sharing something we?d posted to a company profile. This gives us a very close rapport with our community, and has activated many advocates among our users.?

Maya Grinberg

Social Media Manager at Wildfire


?We focus our social strategy where our customers (salespeople and entrepreneurs) are currently engaging- Twitter and Linkedin. As a startup with limited resources we aren?t as active on Facebook or G+ unless there?s a campaign effort that warrants it. We use Twitter for customer support, finding trending articles and connecting with influencers. We?re active in Linkedin groups to open discussions with customers and to act as thought leaders. Earlier this summer we created a closed Linkedin group called the ?Yesware Founder?s Club? and only invited the first 1000 most active users. We use this group to maintain relationships with our early adopters and get feedback on product development. As we continue to grow we?ll experiment with other channels and hone our engagement where our customers live because that?s what matters to us.?


? is a service company that just happens to sell shoes, clothes, housewares and more. We take the same approach to serving our customers over social channels as we do on the phone, email and live chat. Our customers appreciate real human interaction so we don?t automate anything in the social space to deliver WOW through service. We have a small team that serves customers on Twitter and on Facebook and our stylist experts answer customer style questions directly on Twitter as well. You can find boards that we have curated around numerous topics on Pinterest but we haven?t found that customers request service there. The Zappos Family uses videos produced by our in-house A/V Team and blogs written by copywriters in the visual merchandising department to spread our culture, clothing selection, customer service and our community efforts. Zappos Labs has also created some fun social experiences for our customers such as TweetWall, our post-purchase sharing (and Eye For Style on Facebook. You can see all of their creations at the Expo.?

Graham Kahr

Product Manager, Social Commerce at Zappos


?Social Media is about real people and real conversations. And that?s what we focus on. The first part of our social media approach involves being constantly tuned in and participating actively in conversations around us. We get to learn what people are saying about us as well as an opportunity to engage with them and gather more insights. The second part focuses on creating more such conversations: sometimes via content, stories, pictures and questions. We?re a B2B company and our core audience is businesses. However, we believe that people do business with people and that the value of engaging in real conversations with real people over social platforms is immense. We also look at social media as another platform where our customers expect support and that?s why we even have a dedicated twitter channel (@zohocares) for real-time support.

There is no ?one-size-fits-all? approach to social media. Each brand should first try to understand who their audience is, which social media channels they like to frequent and how they are using these channels. Brands can then use this understanding to decide how they want to reach and engage with their audience. Listening and storytelling are two key elements around which brands can build engagement.?

Meera Sapra

Social Media Ambassador at Zoho

I would like to thank all the companies that took the time and gave us their input.

Now on to you?

How does your company approach social media? What lessons have you learned? Let us know in the comments!

About the Authors: Zach Bulygo is a blogger for KISSmetrics, you can find him on Twitter here.


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PNG LNG Improves Health and Wellbeing of ... - LNG World News

PNG LNG Improves Health and Wellbeing of Locals

The PNG LNG Project is partnering with the Papua New Guinean Government and key non-government organisations to provide new medical equipment and hygiene programs.

These community health initiatives, featured in the latest PNG LNG Environmental and Social Report, reinforce the Project?s commitment to building sustainable health capacity and infrastructure within the Project impact areas.

To date the Project has contributed 2.6 million Kina to support tuberculosis control through various programs and activities which will increase the knowledge and skills of health personnel and strengthen infrastructure. This includes assisting the Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research to secure three state-of-the art GeneXpert? diagnostic machines for the fast and accurate diagnosis of tuberculosis. The machines will be provided to medical facilities in Kikori, Madang and Port Moresby.

PNG LNG Project Executive Decie Autin said faster and more accurate technology will allow for early intervention in tuberculosis cases to enable higher quality treatment.

?We recognise that the incidence of tuberculosis is high in Papua New Guinean communities. As a result, we are committed to improving diagnostic practices and treatment to minimise this debilitating disease,? Ms Autin said.

?Traditionally, people have had to wait six to eight weeks for a result. The GeneXpert? machines can provide a same day response with 98 percent accuracy, so the correct course of treatment can be prescribed immediately,? she said.

The Project has also partnered with Population Services International (PSI). Their successful Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Program includes a Community Led Total Sanitation initiative, the distribution of WASH kits and awareness education about personal hygiene behaviors that affect their communities. To date, 1000 kits have been distributed in Papa and Porebada in Central Province as well as several villages in the Hides-Komo area. A WASH Kit contains safe water and diarrheal treatment items to prevent and manage illness.

?Protecting the health and safety of Project workers and local communities, as well as the environment in which Project-related activities occur is a core value for the Project,? said Ms Autin.

As well as supporting local health institutions, the Project has also sent 10 trainees to Dallas, Texas to take part in biomedical equipment repair training for six months with MediSend International.

LNG World News Staff, August 29, 2012



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Thursday, August 30, 2012

National Restaurant Association Shares Best Practices for National ...

Free training materials and resources for foodservice professionals and consumers available at

CHICAGO, Aug. 30, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --?The restaurant industry holds a long-standing commitment to food safety training, and new National Restaurant Association (NRA) research shows that consumers overwhelmingly value that commitment. To highlight the importance of food safety, the NRA will hold its National Food Safety Month (NFSM) campaign this September with the theme "Be Safe, Don't Cross-Contaminate." Now in its 18th year, NFSM 2012 offers free resources for both foodservice industry professionals and home cooks at

(Photo: )

New NRA research shows that the majority of consumers find food safety important both at restaurants and at home. According to an August 2012 survey of 1,015 American adults, virtually all (96 percent) say it is important to them to know that the restaurants they visit train employees in food safety. In addition, more than eight out of 10 (81 percent) say they would be more likely to visit a restaurant that trains all its employees in proper food safety practices.

When it comes to cooking at home, virtually all consumers say they have at least basic knowledge of food safety. Sixty-three percent say they are aware of proper food safety practices and always follow them, while 33 percent say they are familiar with some food safety practices and follow those when they can.

"Food safety is a priority year-round for the nation's nearly one million restaurant and foodservice outlets and we celebrate that commitment with September's National Food Safety Month," said Paul Hineman, executive vice president of the National Restaurant Association. "Our industry serves 130 million guests daily, making food safety training critical for restaurant employees. But, practicing food safety at home is just as important, which is why we're also providing tips for home cooks through this year's campaign."

NFSM highlights components of the NRA's ServSafe? Food Safety program ? the leading source of food safety training and certification for restaurant and foodservice industry professionals for nearly 40 years, with more than 5 million certifications issued. Because ServSafe is developed by the NRA, proceeds go toward helping improve the foodservice industry through research and education.

The NRA's survey showed that three-quarters (76 percent) of consumers say they would be more confident in a restaurant that displays food safety training certificates in public areas. Currently, less than two out of five (37 percent) have ever noticed food safety training certificates displayed in restaurants; younger consumers are much more likely to have noticed such certificates, as nearly half (49 percent) of 18 to 44-year olds say they have seen food safety certifications displayed, compared with only one-fifth (21 percent) of consumers age 55 and above.

This year's NFSM is sponsored by SCA, a global hygiene company and makers of the Tork? brand away-from-home paper products. The NRA selected SCA as the sponsor of the campaign due to the company's commitment to food safety education and dedication to hygiene product solutions.?

"We work diligently to help our customers understand the critical and often hidden hygiene hazards restaurants face that can lead to serious food safety issues if not properly addressed," said Suzanne Cohen, Foodservice Marketing Director for SCA Tissue North America. "Everyone benefits from a healthy, safe and welcoming restaurant and as a result patrons will return again and again. That is why we are partnering with the National Restaurant Association to help educate our industry on vital food safety issues."

The free National Food Safety Month 10-minute training materials for restaurant employees are broken down into five weekly sessions, with each covering how to prevent cross-contamination through: personal hygiene; hand washing; cleaning and sanitizing; correct storage, preparation and cooking; and how to prevent cross-contact of food allergens.

National Food Safety Month was created in 1994 to heighten the awareness about the importance of food safety education. Each year, a new theme with training resources is created to help reinforce proper food safety practices and procedures. For more information and resources, visit the NFSM website, ServSafe on Facebook, or join the conversation on Twitter using #foodsafetymonth.

About National Restaurant Association
Founded in 1919, the National Restaurant Association is the leading business association for the restaurant industry, which comprises 970,000 restaurant and foodservice outlets and a workforce of nearly 13 million employees. We represent the industry in Washington, D.C., and advocate on its behalf. We operate the industry's largest trade show (NRA Show?May 18-21, 2013, in Chicago); leading food safety training and certification program (ServSafe); unique career-building high school program (the NRAEF's?ProStart, including the National ProStart Invitational April 19-21, 2013, in Baltimore, Md.); as well as the?Kids LiveWell?program promoting healthful kids' menu options. For more information, visit? find us on Twitter?@WeRRestaurants, Facebook?and?YouTube.

About Tork?
The Tork brand offers professional hygiene products and services to customers ranging from restaurants and healthcare facilities to offices, schools and industries. Products include dispensers, paper towels, toilet tissue, soap, napkins, and industrial and kitchen wipers. Through expertise in hygiene, functional design and sustainability, Tork has become a market leader. Tork is a global brand of SCA, and a committed partner to customers in over 80 countries. To keep up with the latest Tork news and innovations, please visit: or

About SCA
SCA is a global hygiene and forest company that develops and produces personal-care products, tissue, publication papers and solid-wood products. Sales are conducted in some 100 countries. SCA has many well-known brands, including the global brands TENA and Tork. Sales in 2011 amounted to SEK 16 billion (EUR 11.7 billion). SCA has approximately 37,000 employees. For more information about SCA, please visit:


SOURCE National Restaurant Association


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Bagley cartoon: GOP Humor | The Salt Lake Tribune

(This Pat Bagley editorial cartoon appears in The Salt Lake Tribune) on Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012.

Bagley cartoon: GOP Humor

First Published Aug 28 2012 05:05 pm ? Updated 4 hours ago Reader comments on are the opinions of the writer, not The Salt Lake Tribune. We will delete comments containing obscenities, personal attacks and inappropriate or offensive remarks. Flagrant or repeat violators will be banned. If you see an objectionable comment, click the red "Flag" link below it.
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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Republicans officially nominate Romney for president (tbo)

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grateful!! | Rethunk Junk

First?a baby bunny update! I got So many helpful emails and suggestions?.tom and i carefully took the little critters to a wildlife rescue place here in woodstock.? a wonderful friend contacted me with info about the process and had a very positive attitude.? seems like the fact that we didn?t hold them a bunch was good?..eyes open was good?.fur was good? she seemed to think they had a really good chance.? they are going to help them thru the tricky time and then release them into ?.the WILD!? =D?? thank you jasmine!!!!!

so in keeping with the ?animal? theme we got going here?..let me share the following?.

i am no stranger to the animal kingdom.? and yet was very excited when jasmine suggested we bring in the little baby bunnies.? i was wary ? at best -?of my ability to nuture them till they were thriving hopping carrot eating?furry cuties.?? why you ask??? my children are certainly thriving?.and hopping?.not?so much carrot eaters? ? ha!?? ?so why then would i be stressed about the wee rabbits??? well my experience raising and nurtuing pets includes the following??

pet chickens ? complete with a chicken coop.?? not sure how many there were ? but i remember something like 100 or so.?? give or take 90.?? haha?? pet chickens are not something i recommend?.seems the hens can get pretty attached to those eggs! and although i may not be prepared for a triathalon this afternoon?.back then i was pretty fit- and yet it could take me hours to catch a runaway chicken.? just more trouble than they are worth in my humble opinion.

a pet lamb? fabulous till ? who knew? ? it turned into a sheep!?? aggressive little sucker!? would run helter skelter (what IS that?) and fling itself against the pen when we came out with food.?? reminds me of my son at dinnertime ?though? maybe not such a bad thing??? =D

pet beagle?.uh?apparently those are hunting dogs and love to run vs snuggle?.Patches ran away more times than i can count?..till dad suggested that we give him to someone who hunted so he could live the life he dreamed of.??? and as i recall?.my sisters and i had almost as much fun playing with his vacant doghouse?.made a super ?horse?!!

pet rabbits? ,,,,,have you ever smelled a rabbit cage that has not been changed in 5 weeks???? nuff said!

pet hamster? ,,,,seems to be very important -dare i say?essential even ? that they have water,,,,i am wracked with guilt to this day!

pet fish ,,,,,did you know that some fish can be seriously depressed to the point of suicidal??? ours ? one by one ? literally jumped out of the tank!? i am assuming it was ?to end the horror of seeing five kids smashed up against the tank peering all google eyed at them 24/7?.that?s no way to live!

so?.as you can see?.it was pretty imperative that we find someone to help with the baby bunnies!?? i am grateful and excited that they will have a chance!!


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Superior fuel cell material developed

Monday, August 27, 2012

Using a mixture of gold, copper and platinum nanoparticles, IBN researchers have developed a more powerful and longer lasting fuel cell material. This breakthrough was published recently in leading journal, Energy and Environmental Science.

Fuel cells are a promising technology for use as a source of electricity to power electronic devices, vehicles, military aircraft and equipment. A fuel cell converts the chemical energy from hydrogen (fuel) into electricity through a chemical reaction with oxygen. A fuel cell can produce electricity continuously as long as there is a fuel supply.

Current commercially available fuel cells use platinum nanoparticles as the catalyst to speed up the chemical reaction because platinum is the only metal that can resist the highly acidic conditions inside such a cell. However, the widespread use of fuel cells has been impeded by the high cost of platinum and its low stability.

To overcome this limitation, a team of researchers led by IBN Executive Director Professor Jackie Y. Ying has discovered that by replacing the central part of the catalyst with gold and copper alloy and leaving just the outer layer in platinum, the new hybrid material can provide 5 times higher activity and much greater stability than the commercial platinum catalyst. With further optimization, it would be possible to further increase the material's catalytic properties.

IBN's new nanocomposite material can produce at least 0.571 amperes of electric current per milligram of platinum, compared to 0.109 amperes per milligram of platinum for commercial platinum catalysts. This is also the first time that a catalyst has been shown to enhance both the stability and activity for the fuel cell reaction with a significantly reduced platinum content.

To make this catalyst more active than the commercial platinum catalyst, the researchers have designed the core of the nanocrsytalline material to be a gold-copper alloy, which has slightly smaller lattice spacing than the platinum coating on the nanocrystal's surface. This creates a compressive strain on the surface platinum atoms, making the platinum more active in the rate-limiting step of oxygen reduction reaction for the fuel cell. Replacing the core of the nanoparticle with the less expensive gold-copper alloy cuts down the usage of platinum, a highly expensive noble metal.

Professor Ying said, "A key research focus at IBN is to develop green energy technologies that can lead to greater efficiency and environmental sustainability. More active and less costly than conventional platinum catalysts, our new nanocomposite system has enabled us to significantly advance fuel cell development and make the technology more practical for industrial applications."


J. Yang, X. Chen, X. Yang and J. Y. Ying, "Stabilization and Compressive Strain Effect of AuCu Core on Pt Shell for Oxygen Reduction Reaction," Energy and Environmental Science, (2012) DOI:10.1039/C2EE22172A.

Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore:

Thanks to Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore for this article.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

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Chael Sonnen?s pizzeria selling the Jon Jones special ? full of chicken and cheeze

Jon Jones' refusal of a bout with Chael Sonnen may have led to a cancellation of fights set for Saturday night, but it also led to a whole new pizza at Sonnen's Mean Streets Pizza. TMZ found Sonnen's pizzeria has a whole new pizza in Jones' honor.

Though it doesn't sound particularly appetizing, the pizza is full of chicken and cheese. Sonnen throws two more barbs at Jones by saying the deal is only good until "the chicken runs out," and offers delivery so to "avoid a DUI." Jones crashed his Bentley into a tree when driving drunk in May.

If you're in West Linn, Ore., check out Mean Streets and tell us if the Jon Jones pizza is any good.


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Monday, August 27, 2012

Obama-Romney race is focused on 7 states

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) ? On the eve of their national party conventions, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are locked in a close race to amass the requisite 270 Electoral College votes for victory. And the contest is exactly where it was at the start of the long, volatile summer: focused on seven states that are up for grabs.

Neither candidate has a significant advantage in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Ohio, Nevada, New Hampshire and Virginia, which offer a combined 85 electoral votes, according to an Associated Press analysis of public and private polls, spending on television advertising and numerous interviews with Republican and Democratic strategists in battleground states.

The analysis, which also took into account the strength of a candidate's on-the-ground organization and travel schedules, found that if the election were held today, Obama would have 19 states and the District of Columbia, offering 247 votes, solidly in his column or leaning his way, while Republican Romney would have 24 states with 206 votes.

Obama won all seven of the too-close-to-call states in 2008, and they are where the race will primarily be contested in the homestretch to the Nov. 6 election.

Ten weeks before Election Day, the AP analysis isn't meant to be predictive but rather is intended to provide a snapshot of a race that's been stubbornly close all year.

Among the unknowns that could shake up the electoral landscape before November: the latest unemployment figures that come out early next month, an unexpected foreign policy crisis in Syria or Iran and the outcome of the candidates' October debates.

Both sides are working to persuade the 23 percent of registered voters who said in an Associated Press-GfK poll that they are either undecided about the presidential race or iffy in their support for a candidate.

To woo them, the campaigns and political parties, along with allied groups with access to unlimited financial contributions, have already spent an astounding $540 million on television advertising, according to ad spending reports provided to the AP. And there's more to come.

Over the past three months, the campaign took a sharply negative turn, at times becoming nasty and personal.

Obama sought to define Romney early as a ruthless corporate raider for his time at the head of a private equity firm in Boston, and as an out-of-touch rich man keeping secrets about his wealth. Romney, in turn, worked to cast Obama as a failed president on a host of fronts, primarily the economy.

Both candidates have hit road bumps: Obama saw the unemployment rate rise to 8.3 percent and gave Republicans an opening to argue that he was unfriendly to small business. Romney had a widely panned foreign trip and made a series of potentially problematic comments, most recently joking about the debunked conspiracy theory regarding Obama's citizenship.

The national party conventions, starting with Republicans here, who convene Monday and start with a full schedule on Tuesday, and ending with Democrats the following week in Charlotte, N.C., will set the parameters of the fall campaign, and could provide each side with at least a temporary surge of support in national, if not battleground state, polls.

While Obama has a clear advantage given his incumbency, Romney does have a path to victory ? though it's a steep climb.

He must win most of the seven most competitive states ? Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Ohio, Nevada, New Hampshire and Virginia ? in order to reach the magic number. For instance, he can lose Ohio's 18 electoral votes and still become president if he wins the other six and hangs onto those already in his grasp. It's difficult to see a scenario where Romney wins without a victory in Florida, which offers 29 electoral votes.

Neither side expects a dramatically different playing field this fall.

"You know the states that are in play," said Obama's campaign manager Jim Messina. "I don't think there's going to be a surprise."

Romney's political director Rich Beeson makes the same point: "I don't think you're going to see the map go crazy."

Still, once their conventions are over, both campaigns will commission polls in the hardest-fought states to determine whether to shift their strategies. The candidates and their allied outside groups will pull money and manpower from states that are moving out of reach while relocating it to others they may now think they have a shot at winning.

"We're in a holding pattern," said Charlie Black, a veteran Republican campaign strategist and informal adviser to Romney.

Perhaps not for long.

With a huge cash advantage, Romney is considering trying to put more states in play ? and creating more state-by-state paths to reach 270. He's closely watching to see whether it's worth it to compete aggressively in Wisconsin, now that native son Rep. Paul Ryan is on the ticket.

The Republican National Committee and GOP allies have been advertising in the state in hopes of making it competitive; at least one poll shows they've had some success and the race appears close. Obama, who has a formidable campaign on the ground that includes the state's active labor and minority blocs, hasn't advertised there but might be forced to do so.

Romney also is eyeing a deeper investment in Michigan, where he campaigned Friday, and Pennsylvania, where Ryan was last week. Obama carried both states in 2008, but the GOP sees promise in the economically struggling northern industrial states, especially among working-class, white voters.

The Republican may have the money to expand the map.

August financial reports show that Romney's overall fundraising apparatus ? his campaign, the RNC and a separate joint-fundraising committee ? had roughly $177 million in the bank at the end of July. The reports are the most recent public data.

And to a greater degree than Obama, Romney also has amassed an untapped stockpile of general election money that he plans to use this fall. He can begin spending it immediately upon accepting the nomination for president at the convention's close Thursday night.

Obama and his comparable committees, in turn, had only about $127 million on hand, according to the most recent report.

He also must wait until he accepts his party's nomination on Sept. 6, the close of the Democratic convention, to start spending his general election money.

Unlike Romney, Obama isn't focused on expanding the map in earnest.

He's mostly looking to hang onto as many of the states he won four years ago, with Ohio being of particular focus. In recent months, Obama's standing there has strengthened, the unemployment rate has dropped and last week General Motors announced a $200 million expansion of a northeast Ohio plant to continue building the Chevrolet Cruze there.

Beyond playing defense, Obama's team is watching to see whether the political terrain becomes more favorable to him in Missouri in the aftermath of controversial abortion and rape comments by Rep. Todd Akin, a GOP Senate candidate.

The backlash has been fierce, and polls show Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill ? arguably the most vulnerable Senate Democrat ? having gained ground. Obama competed for Missouri four years ago but lost and hasn't run ads there this year. Romney has had a comfortable advantage there.

If they have the money to do it, both sides will engage in head-faking: spending money in places simply to force the other side to defend their home turf. For example, if Romney goes after Pennsylvania, which has voted Democratic in all recent presidential elections, Obama would likely have to spend money to defend it, limiting the amount of cash he'll have available to spend in more competitive states, like Florida or Virginia.


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Md. city fails to break bikini parade record

OCEAN CITY, Md. (AP) ? A city in China still holds the bikini parade record after a failed attempt in Maryland.

Organizers of Saturday's effort in Ocean City to take the title from Huludao City in China fell short. Only about 325 woman turned out under rainy skies. Brad Hoffman, who organized the parade for the North Ocean City Business Alliance, blamed the rain for the poor turnout.

Organizers were trying to attract more than 1,085 to break the record set in China earlier this month.

The 25-block parade included women of all ages.

The $10 registration fee for the event benefited charities including the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life.


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NYPD: Empire State Building victims hit by police gunfire

NEW YORK (AP) ? All nine people injured during a dramatic confrontation between police and a gunman outside the Empire State Building were wounded by gunfire from the two officers, police said Saturday, citing ballistics evidence.

The veteran patrolmen who opened fire on the suit-clad gunman, Jeffrey Johnson, had only an instant to react when he whirled around and pointed a .45-caliber pistol at them as they approached him from behind on a busy sidewalk.

Officer Craig Matthews shot seven times, and Officer Robert Sinishtaj fired nine times, police said. Neither had ever fired their weapons before on a patrol.

The volley of gunfire felled Johnson in just a few seconds and left nine other people bleeding on the sidewalk.

In the initial chaos Friday, it wasn't clear whether Johnson or the officers were responsible for the trail of the wounded, but based on ballistic and other evidence, "it appears that all nine of the victims were struck either by fragments or by bullets fired by police," Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly told reporters Saturday at a community event in Harlem.

Police officials have said the officers appeared to have no choice but to shoot Johnson, whose body had 10 bullet wounds in the chest, arms and legs.

The officers confronted Johnson as he walked, casually, down the street after gunning down a former co-worker on the sidewalk outside the office they once shared. The shooting happened at 9 a.m., as the neighborhood bustled with people arriving for work.

The gunman and his victim, Steve Ercolino, had a history of workplace squabbles before Johnson was laid off from their company, Hazan Import Corp., a year ago. At one point, the two men had grappled physically in an elevator.

John Koch, the property manager at the office building where the men worked, said security camera footage showed the two pushing and shoving. The tussle ended when Ercolino, a much larger man, pinned Johnson against the wall of the elevator by the throat, Koch said. Ercolino let him go after a few moments, and the two men went their separate ways.

"They didn't like each other," Koch said.

After shooting Ercolino, Johnson, an eccentric T-shirt designer and avid bird-watcher who wore a suit every day, even when photographing hawks in Central Park, walked away as if nothing had happened.

Alerted by a construction worker, officers Matthews and Sinishtaj gave chase as Johnson rounded a corner and walked along Fifth Avenue in front of the landmark skyscraper.

A security videotape from the scene shows several civilians ? including three sitting on a bench only a few feet away ? scattering as the officers opened fire.

Police have determined that three people were struck by whole bullets ? two of which were removed from victims at the hospital ? and the rest were grazed "by fragments of some sort," Kelly said.

Two women with leg wounds and a man with a wound to his buttocks required surgery and remained hospitalized Saturday. They were listed in stable condition.

Both Matthews, 39, and Sinishtaj, 40, joined the nation's largest police department 15 years ago.

Matthews had drawn attention this year by suing the New York Police Department, accusing his superiors of unfairly punishing him for not meeting arrest quotas. A judge threw out the complaint.

The union representing the two officers didn't immediately respond to a message left seeking comment.

The shooting didn't deter tourists from flocking to the Empire State Building as usual on Saturday.

Patricia Flynn, 57, a retired schoolteacher, visited the building's peak with her elderly mother, who once worked in the skyscraper as a secretary.

"But I didn't tell her what happened," said Flynn, adding that her mother was unaware of Friday's shooting. "And she really enjoyed the view."

A group of 31 tourists from France held a meeting Friday night at their nearby hotel to decide whether to cancel their planned Empire State Building visit.

"We were scared, and we thought it was a risk," said Catherine Krukar, 38, a teacher.

But in the end, they went ahead with the visit, she said after descending from the observation tower,

"We know it can happen anywhere, and we wanted to see the Empire State Building," Krukar said. "It was beautiful!"


Contributing to this report from New York were David B. Caruso, Colleen Long and the AP News Research Center.


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