Friday, April 6, 2012

Simply Bike ? bilingual parenting: k {hebrew and english}

Name:?K (& A, my son)

Number of children and ages:?One son, 4 months

The languages your family uses: ?I speak to A primarily in Hebrew.? My husband speaks only English so obviously that is the language he uses to communicate with A & I.

??{K and her adorable son, A.}

What motivated you to raise your child(ren) bilingually:

I was raised bilingually with a Hebrew-speaking mother and English-speaking father.? My mom?s whole side of the family is in Israel and that is where I do my academic research [another scholar in the midst, S!], and I would love for my children to be able to communicate with their relatives and really with anyone when we spend time back in Israel.? Also, everything I have read about language development in children suggests that growing up bilingual helps with learning additional languages later on ? something I have found anecdotally [from my own experiences] to be true.

How does the bilingualism work in your family: ?

I am A?s primary caregiver and when he and I are home alone I speak with him exclusively in Hebrew.? N, my husband, speaks with him in English, and when we are all home together I try to stick with Hebrew but sometimes end up speaking English because I?m trying to communicate with N as well.

We are lucky that my parents and one of my siblings [who also married a Hebrew speaker] live relatively close by, so A gets some additional Hebrew from them ? especially from my mom, who takes care of him about once a week.

What are some of the challenges you?ve encountered?

Since N doesn?t speak Hebrew, I find it difficult to keep myself from using English when he is home.? It?s tough.? He fully supports me speaking Hebrew to A, but I inevitably end up feeling as though I am leaving him out of the conversation.

What have been some of the rewards of raising a bilingual child?

So far, it?s hard to say, since A is not communicating verbally [well, not with words yet, anyway!]

What role does your extended family play in your decision and ability to raise a bilingual child?

As I wrote, my mother takes care of A about once a week and she speaks to him exclusively in Hebrew as well.? That helps a lot.

What advice would you give a new parent starting the process?

Since I am a new parent myself I don?t know if I am qualified to answer this question?but I would say that it?s most important to use the 2nd [or 3rd, or 4th] language early on, when your child is developing the capacity for processing language [I?ve read between 4-9 months].


?Thanks, K, for taking the time to share your story! I think K?s points about not wanting to make her husband feel excluded when talking to her son in the second language not shared by her spouse is a common concern in bilingual families. I know I share those thoughts and am constantly trying to find that perfect balance of speaking enough Romanian with my daughter and speaking English with my husband.

Are you raising your child in a bilingual home where your partner does not share your language? How have you reconciled the need to teach your child and communicate with your husband at the same time? Chime in with your comments below!


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