Sunday, December 18, 2011

Iraq war veterans serving in Obama White House (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Iraq war veterans at the White House:


Name: Tanya Bradsher

Military experience: Lieutenant Colonel in U.S. Army; served in Iraq from 2008 to 2009.

White House position: Spokeswoman, National Security Council

On the war's end: "I want to see (Iraq) succeed. You could see the skeleton of what was there ... I would love to see that vision realized again and just to see a vibrant country."


Name: Matt Flavin

Military experience: U.S. Navy intelligence officer; served in Iraq from 2005 to 2006.

White House position: Director of veterans and wounded warrior policy.

On the war's end: "Based on the extent of our sacrifice as a nation, I want a peaceful, stable democratic government in Iraq that is an ally of the United States. I think we've earned that."


Name: Steve Miska

Military experience: Lieutenant Colonel in U.S. Army; served three tours in Iraq between 2004 and 2009.

White House position: Director of Iraq.

On the war's end: "Knowing that the war is coming to an end was really just a sense of relief for me in a huge way. And it is very personal. Not only do we know many of the people who are currently serving there on the U.S. side, but we know many of the Iraqis that we served with."


Name: Darienne Page

Military experience: Army sergeant; served in Iraq from 2003 to 2004.

White House position: Assistant director of the Office of Public Engagement, focusing on veterans and wounded warriors.

On the war's end: "To watch deployments year after year, always seeing my friends go and my family members stationed over there, and now to be in an administration bringing the war to a responsible end, it's a great feeling."


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